Spot the difference!

Answers as follows!

1. In the 2nd picture George has changed his hat to a fetching pink!
2. Run! In the 2nd picture there is a mouse in the house by the plant.
3. The 1st picture Ryan has a standard tool belt but in the lower picture he has sneaked a beer in!
4. The lower picture backdrop has changed to a lovely Oasthouse.
5. Its a bit hot in the 2nd picture, the temperature is a whopping 32degrees.
6. George likes pink! His shoes have changed in the 2nd picture.
7. It’s home time on the clock in the 2nd picture!

The reason behind the 2022 calendar

Thanks to Steve Lindsay!

In 2021, Steve doubled up on a number of endurance challenges to make up for 2020:

– World’s Longest Single Day Triathlon: 5km swim, 200km bike, 50km ultra-marathon (Aug ’21),
– Brighton Marathon (Sept ’21)
– London Marathon (Oct ’21)
– Palma Marathon (Oct ’21)

He chose The Hospice in the Weald because in February 2008 his cousin Richard was diagnosed with a brain tumour, shortly after his 14th birthday. He defied the odds and the medical experts for more than 5 years before finding peace at just 19yrs old, in August 2013.

Richard was cared for at the end of his time by the Hospice.

He raises money to help them continue to support individuals & families.